I wholeheartedly agree with your comment, Goodknight. I would just like to note here that class struggle in China has been intensifying alongside a massive and rapid campaign to expropriate the peasantry. This cannot but lead to a conflagration more vicious than that which we saw in the Russian Empire, although we cannot know exactly when this will occur and what the outcome will be. See libcom.org/blog/china-land-grabs and libcom.org/blog/new-strikes-china-28072014. This site and the authors of these articles may not be Marxist-Leninists, but that does not at all invalidate their information and data.
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One must presume no one here is questioning that China is an imperialist power. Nor, that the imperialist system may includes weaker and stronger imperialist powers and that the concept of “uneven development” still is valid. If, we agree that modern imperialism as the rule of monopoly capitalism is a world system and is the highest stage of development of capitalism, then we must agree that China as an imperialist power on the whole has the same general characteristics as other imperialist power i.e. participates in the exploitation of workers and oppressed everywhere and plunders their habitat as well as competes with other imperialist powers for a bigger share of their exploits.
In this context then, it constitutes yet another enemy of the peoples of the world - not least the workers and oppressed in China. Further, that it participates in the competition with other imperialist powers for re-division of the world and that inevitably it enters into war blocs to challenge other imperialist powers. What this means for the international proletariat is that not only that Chinese imperialism is not a friend of the people of the world but it constitutes one of its main enemies. Further, that in the assessments of world contradictions and alignments, China occupies a significant position as a counter revolutionary force. What it means for the proletariat in China is that it must “break the link in the chain” of imperialism and smash the bourgeoisie state machinery through a thorough proletarian revolution and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat in China. In this way not just defeat US imperialism but world imperialism and its hold in this geographic region. Achieving such a goal includes necessarily the task of upholding the concept of revolutionary defeatism taking advantage of the inter-imperialist contradictions including any possible war to defeat and smash the bourgeoisie in China. In the face of this reality the significance of these conclusions and as a whole the topic of discussion of NB Turner, et alia, is that it underlines the utter corruption and extent of betrayal of the contemporary so-called leftist and "anti-imperialists" who include China, (and in some cases even Russia) in the "broad united front" against US imperialism, defend the so called the “spirit of Bandung”, defend reactionary regimes in conflict with US imperialism under the guise of defense of "national sovereignty", ... and, persist in raising pseudo anti-imperialist colors while championing the devastating line of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” that is counterpoised against proletarian internationalism. Such forces are deployed to lineup the masses to support one imperialist power and reactionary against another. Any analysis that by design or otherwise negates the utter necessity of proletarian revolution and denies the class natures of the processes of development of contradictions in the contemporary world is redundant and poses just as a “red herring”. It ultimately hides the views of classes whose interest is not to smash the imperialist system and aim to save it, perhaps through some reforms or structural adjustments. |
Last Edit: 9 years 8 months ago by admin.
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